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Best Trading Systems Site Review

The website "Best Trading Systems" is a site that specializes in reviewing a variety of systems proposed by different organizations and websites. It has reviews for trading systems that fall under the following categories:

  • Forex Trading
  • Futures Trading
  • Option Trading
  • Stock Trading
  • Day Trading
  • Swing Trading

The website also offers reviews for:

  • Trading Software
  • Trading Courses
  • Online Brokers

The website Best Trading Systems also has an extensive collections of online trading related resources. In fact, there are so many you could almost call it a directory. Topics range from trading forums, news, charting, and much more. You can access the directory by clicking on the resources button on their navigation menu.

To summarize, this website offers reviews of a variety of trading systems, services, and resources. They have an extensive list of trading related links that you can use for your research and trading. Click this link to access

The words "trading systems" mean different things to different people. To me, a trading system is a system that one uses to make trades based on the application of various smaller parts. A system is composed of a variety of strategies and tools all of which, as a whole, create a system. Much like an ecosystem is composed of a variety of smaller relationships and independently acting organisms, a trading system is composed of a variety or interpretive and functional tools.

However, others, when referring to "trading systems", quite often mean automated trading systems or preplanned cookie-cutter or turn-key trading systems. An automated trading system is software that has an algorithm programmed into it (usually a big secret algorithm) that monitors a market and then either executes trades on its own, or creates alerts for you to execute a trade based on the software's interpretation of the market behaviour. Cookie-cutter or turn-key systems are similiar, except with less technology. They are trading systems that you acquire, usually buy purchasing or by paying monthly, that someone has developed and that you are supposed to apply. This is intended to save you the time and trouble of learning to trade. The idea is that you apply this pre-built trading system to the letter and it is supposed to give you a high frequency of successful trades, kind of like a golden goose. Would I ever like to have a golden goose, you bet. I have never purchased or considered purchasing trading system software or someone else's trading system cues. Other people might find an appropriate use for something like this.

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